Get Involved
Connect with the Excelsior Center.There are a number of ways to become involved with the Excelsior German Center. Here are just a few:
- Sponsorship
- Host an Event
- Contributing Editor
- Photography
- Facilitate our Blog
- Volunteer
- Become a Member
We always need volunteers for our various committees. If you have an interest or experience that could help us through any of these areas, please let us know!
Help is needed for any of these:
- Movie afternoon
- Building committee
- Program Committee
Please contact us and let us know your interest. Click Here
Individual Membership …..$30/year
Couple Membership ……… $50/year
We need your involvement. The only way to make the Excelsior German Center work at its optimum capability is to have members involved in every way. The ability to enhance our cultural heritage and make it a living part of your day-to-day life is to bring real-time involvement with our members.
Interaction, sharing and continued communication among members allows the exchange of ideas, lifestyles, backgrounds and provides a basis for our ability to grow into the future. Our goal is to provide a number of ways for you to get involved. Time is precious for all of us, and we want to accommodate the schedules of our members. If you only have a limited time or want to tackle one of our bigger projects, you will find the Excelsior German Center has the right program for you. Join Today and become part of our vital community.
The Excelsior German Center welcomes donations to aid us in the pursuit and fulfillment of our charter. Please feel free to contact us if you wish to know more about our focus and how your organization can help us make a difference in the community.