News and Events
Connecting our community with German Language, Culture and Heritage.Neujahrskonzert 2024
Another Holiday tradition is returns! The Excelsior German Center is happy to present the 2024 Newjahrskonzert! Join us Monday, January 1st at 2PM for our regular tradition: greeting 2024 with New Years opera classics. To RSVP, please contact Hannelore via email at...
Maifest 2023
Spring has sprung! Join us for the EGC's annual Maifest, Sunday April 30th at noon! Enjoy live music, dancing, and food in the beautiful Altenheim garden. Admission is free, and food & beverages are available for purchase. For reservations and more information,...
Save the Date – German Day SF
Get excited! Final preparations for German Day in San Francisco are in full swing! German Day will be held Sunday, October 16th in Golden Gate Park at the Bandshell. You can download the flier to German Day here. For more information, go to the German Day website,...
New Years Concert 2022 Video
We are happy to announce that the recording of our annual New Years Concert has been published. Below is a live link to the full production. Thank you again to the wonderful performers, organizers, editors, and volunteers who created this beautiful video. We wish you...
Neujahrskonzert 2020
The Excelsior German Center presents Neujahrskonzert Wednesday January 1, 2020 2pm To RSVP Please email Hannelore at or call 510-483-2573 General Admission $20 / At the door $25 / EGC Members $15
EGC New Year’s Day Concert at the Altenheim
Wednesday, January 1st, 2020 at 2:00pm - EGC New Year's Day Concert at the Altenheim in the Community Room
2023 East Bay Weihnachtsmarkt
As the temperature drops and the trees go bare, we can almost say "es weihnachtet sehr"! This year, the Altenheim will host the East Bay Weihnachtsmarkt. Join us Dec 2nd from 1-7 PM for this iconic Weihnachtstradition. There will be live music, food and beverage....
Lieder Nachmittag April 2023
Join us for another beautiful Lieder Nachmittag with Kindra Scharich (Vocals) and Jeffrey LaDeur (Piano). The duo will be performing music from Brahms, Liszt, and Schubert. The performance will be held 2PM, Sunday April 2, at the Altenheim. Please contact Hannelore...
Maifest 2022
We are happy to announce that Maifest will be held this year on Sunday, May 29! The festivities will take place on Altenheim grounds. Please stay tuned for more information.
Annual Goose Dinner 2021
It's that time of year again for another St. Martin's Gänseessen. This year will be the 15th anniversary of our annual goose dinner! Dinner is available in person at Shelby's in Orinda, however, proof of vaccination is required for all persons dining in. Dinner is...
The Annual Christkindlmarkt!
8th annual Christmas Bazaar- A German Christkindl Markt Saturday, November 23, 2019 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
Lieder Nachmittag 2019
Excelsior German Center presents a Lieder Nachmittag Music from composers Schubert, Mahler, Strauss, and others with Shawnette Sulker, Eugene Brancoveanu, and Pianist Alexander Katsman Sunday April 14, 2019 2pm at The Altenheim 1720 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland entrance...
Boogie and Blues at the EGC
The Excelsior German Center is excited to host Frank Muschalle at the Excelsior German Center. Join us on November 11th at 2PM for a brilliant session of blues and boogie woogie piano. See the attached flier for information on tickets. You can download a PDF copy of...
Neujahrskonzert 2023
The Excelsior German Center presents the 2023 Newjahrskonzert! Join us and celebrate the new year with operatic classics. Sunday, January 1st at 2PM To RSVP Please email Hannelore at or call 510-483-2573 General Admission $25 / EGC Members $20
Lieder Nachmittag April 2022
The Excelsior German Center is happy to present a Lieder Nachmittag with Kindra Scharich (Vocals) and Jeffrey LaDeur (Piano). Come and hear music from composers Brahms and Schubert. The Lieder Nachmittag will be held at 2PM on Sunday April 10th at the Altenheim....
Regarding COVID-19
Because of the State-mandated shelter in place order our Liedernachmittag, Maifest and the upcoming Christmas Bazaar (scheduled for Nov. 23, 2020) were cancelled. GSEB students will learn during the fall semester of 2020 online from home. We hope that everybody will...
EGC St. Nikolaus Kaffeeklatsch
Thursday, December 5th join us in the Multi-Purpose Room for the EGC St. Nikolaus Kaffeeklatsch.
In Memoriam Marie Hoffmann
Dear Members of the Excelsior German Center, It is with a heavy heart that I am writing you as I must pass along sad news that our Vice-President, board member and friend, Marie Hoffmann, passed away last night. As you all know, Marie was a tireless contributor to...